Home is where the chair is


The events of the past two days have been momentous. In a feat nothing short of heroic, my mom, my friend Scott, and I moved me out of my apartment in a single day… almost. There are still various items of detritus scattered throughout my old home, but mostly, we’re finished.

Miraculously, every single piece of furniture (aside from my vintage flowered chair and copper-doored cabinet – those stay with me no matter what) has been claimed, either by friends or through Craigslist. We met the nicest Craigslist family in the universe yesterday, and they bought several of my things. When the woman asked where I was moving, and I told her about my solo cross-country road trip, her eyes grew wide with dismay. Admonishing me to carry not only mace but a gun, she turned to my mom and asked her how she felt about my safety. When my mom shrugged it off, the woman turned to her daughter and said, “At least you only got pregnant.” A priceless moment in parenting.

If there is anything that I hate about moving, it is moving out. If there is anything that I love about moving, it is moving in. I now abide in the most darling, tiny basement apartment of some wonderful friends, and I always love setting up shop in a new place. I am so excited about how well this will work out, and am looking forward to establishing a new routine here.

I mentioned that this new place is tiny: a bedroom, bathroom, and baby kitchen (fridge and sink). The ceilings are low (Scott said, “Good thing you’re not a mammoth woman” – indeed, for many reasons), the windows are little, and the doorways are narrow. But nothing, my friends, is as tiny as the shower. Shaving my legs is going to be physically impossible in this stall; my experience last night confirmed this. Imagine me with my leg… wait. Never mind.

I have the best mom and friends in the world. Thank you to everyone who has supported me in various ways throughout this ordeal – and when I say “ordeal,” I am serious. I hate feeling unstable. But I guess I should get used to it – this is only the beginning.

Pictures of my new little home:




  1. Anonymous on July 2, 2007 at 3:06 PM


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