The discipline of waiting


Someday, I will have all 4 hubcaps for my Honda. Someday, I will not have to use milk crates as furniture. Someday, I will climb the cliffs of Cinque Terre. Someday, I will own a very grown-up chocolate brown couch. Someday, I will read the classics. Someday, I will have medical insurance. Someday, I will be a dog-owner. Someday, I will learn to be comfortable in my own skin. Someday, I will have income. Someday, I will feel a bit more stable.

But not today.

Today, I will buy a new filter for my thrift store purchased Brita water pitcher. Today, I will search for a long butane lighter to figure out how to light my gas stove. Today, I will live in Nashville. Today, I will be thankful for a car that starts. Today, I will eat a dinner of ham and cheese samples at the grocery store. Today, I will smile during a nightly phone call. Today, I will wrap myself in my red coat and wool socks. Today, I will look forward to someday.

And that is enough for today.


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  1. Greta on February 12, 2008 at 7:17 PM

    Goodness sakes Annie, I hope you eat LOTS of samples.

    You are the poor little match girl. With a guitar and a new lease. This blog could be a good song. :)

  2. kristy on February 12, 2008 at 9:00 PM

    thank you thank you thank you for thinking these thoughts, i needed this more than you know!!!

  3. ashley & jeremy parsons on February 13, 2008 at 3:07 PM

    I’m proud of you, and the thought of you living differently than the norm makes me smile and makes me excited to give you a hug in just a few days!

  4. Elle on February 13, 2008 at 7:00 PM

    Such a good reminder to be content in our current situations. Sounds like you have so much going for you now & also a lot to look forward to! :)

    And you will love the Cinque Terre…my goal is to someday make it back there. :)

  5. Case and Los on February 13, 2008 at 10:59 PM

    That is horrifying about your eyelashes. Now that you have an address, you could distribute it, if you want care packages with food… Any news about the Whole Foods job. Do they give away food to employees?

  6. Case and Los on February 13, 2008 at 11:00 PM

    p.s. that hike (Cinqueterre) kicked my ass. But it was worth it. I look forward to when you do it. I have photos on my Facebook of it…

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