N is for Nourishment


Last week, the stars aligned.

First, my friend Debbie dropped me an email, seemingly out of the blue, asking me if I read any Annie Dillard. My reaction: does Rick Astley shake his groove thang? Annie Dillard is breathtaking – one of my favorite writers. Her “Living Like Weasels” makes me want to throw a chair across the room, it’s so good. Debbie’s email reminded me to pick up my copy of “Teaching a Stone to Talk,” and ingest some meaty essays. I could feast on her words for days.

Then, my friend Handy Graham recommended the eastmountainsouth record. I already had one track from their 2003 (and only) album, but after Graham’s endorsement, was inspired to purchase the whole thing. It has not disappointed – this album has become the soundtrack to my world for the past couple of days.

A few days ago, the eastmountainsouth track “Still Running” popped up on my iPod, and I listened attentively to the words. The lyrics seemed familiar – balmy, true, trustworthy – and in a moment of synergy, I realized that it is based on an Annie Dillard essay, “God in the Doorway.”

This is as glowing a recommendation that I can give: get your hands on a copy of Dillard’s “God in the Doorway” and eastmountainsouth’s “Still Running.” Read the 3-page essay, and follow it immediately with the song. When I did, it was like chasing a cupcake with a glass of milk: good on their own, but together, divine.



  1. Case and Los on October 27, 2008 at 9:58 AM

    Love it and loved the song of theirs you put on our cd! I’d be interested to read more AD…
    p.s. I can’t even tell you how much mileage we’ve gotten out of the Obadiah Parker Hey Ya. Where do you come up with this stuff? Brilliant.

  2. Allie, Dearest on October 27, 2008 at 10:01 AM

    I’ve wanted to read something by Annie Dillard for a long time–I’m glad to know that someone I know enjoys her writing.

  3. dc on October 27, 2008 at 10:14 AM

    Love both artists. Well chosen. :)

  4. Annie Parsons on October 27, 2008 at 11:14 AM

    dc girl, you’re the one who recommended eastmountainsouth’s “Hard Times” several months ago! I should have gotten the whole CD then – they’re amazing.

    And Annie Dillard is astonishing.

  5. taryn on October 27, 2008 at 3:39 PM

    Have you read Holy the Firm or For the Time Being? Those two are my favorite Annie Dillards :) Makes me happy someone else knows about and loves her!

  6. Isaiah Kallman on October 27, 2008 at 3:47 PM

    How did we both post something about nourishment in one day? And shows? They are what they are. Just tell me if you ever want me to play in your living room. That’s what I do for all my other friends.

  7. Sarah on October 27, 2008 at 6:15 PM

    Love Eastmountainsouth! Can’t wait to see you on Wed!

  8. MB on October 27, 2008 at 9:13 PM

    Great, something else to put on my list of things to do to make me a better person. Thanks, I think ;)

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