Hooker House #1

Living Room

I’ve had a number of requests (okay, fine – just two – heyyyy, Greta and Julie!) for pictures of the Hooker House.

I’m one who likes to have things settled just so before a grand reveal.  And because of my persnickety nature and tight budget, it’s going to take awhile before I’m ready to explode our new home onto the World Wide Web.

However, with some help last night from one Jonathan Dalby (who, as I informed him last night, was once called “unfortunately good looking” – congrats, Dalbs), the living room is finally looking pretty complete.  Here’s a glimpse.

I know.  A FIREPLACE.  How picturesque is the Hooker House??

I mean, you know.  For being a garden-level apartment and all.



  1. Denise on July 6, 2011 at 9:12 AM

    Cute living room! Love the pic above the mantle — where did you get it?

  2. Katie on July 6, 2011 at 10:25 AM

    Ooooh, it’s looking soooooooo cute!

  3. deidra on July 6, 2011 at 12:39 PM

    I was JUST thinking how much I wanted to see pictures of your house!! And here you go and post them. You just know the desires of my heart AP.

    Annie, I leave for Africa TOMORROW. Holy crap.

    I’ll try to call some time today– loved your email. Love these pics. Love you most of all.

  4. deidra on July 6, 2011 at 12:39 PM

    *whoops– that was Greta, typing from deidra’s computer :)

  5. Tad on July 6, 2011 at 1:45 PM

    Does the fireplace work? I won’t conceal that fires in the fireplace are one of the best things ever, in my opinion, and fires anywhere else in the house (like the chimney) are singularly inconvenient and unfortunate.

  6. Andrea on July 6, 2011 at 9:19 PM

    Whoa, Annie! Will you come decorate my house? But seriously… Please? I’ll bake you cookies and serve morning coffee in the solarium.

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