Which is Spanish for “Fluffy”


We live in a predominantly Hispanic area, and I love the kids who live a few doors down from us.  They’re always outside running around in the yard, yelling to each other in Spanish – yet effortlessly switch to English when I walk past.

The other day, I was passing by with the dogs when three little boys ran up to me.  They were basically the human versions of Alvin, Simon, and Theodore.

“Can we pet your dogs?” Alvin asked.

“Sure,” I answered.  “They’re nice – and look, this one only has three legs.”

“WHOA.”  Simon was particularly amazed.

Noticing the two small dogs in their fenced yard, I asked, “What are your dogs’ names?”

Little Theodore answered.

“That one is Peanut, and that one is Luis.  I MEAN, FLUFFY.”

It was kind of the cutest thing that happened all week.



  1. Angie N on March 30, 2012 at 10:21 AM

    I pretty much died over, “Simon was particularly amazed.”


  2. Sandy on March 30, 2012 at 3:15 PM

    love it…been hanging out with Alvin, Simon & Theo myself these days. Precious chipmunks.

  3. Jacque on March 31, 2012 at 7:22 AM

    “I mean fluffy” very very funny

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