Heroes of the day
Julie: right before she kicked some serious booty on the GRE (not the GED, as I frequently refer to it), she sent me flowers at work yesterday. She is so thoughtful, I can’t even stand it. Julie Curtis is, perhaps, THE nicest person I know. Like, when I come home from the gym and I’m…
Tell me a story
Before I begin, let’s all just take a minute to acknowledge the huge thing that happened yesterday. The thing that made the world feel small – like everyone, no matter what culture, tribe, or tongue, agreed was a big event. An incident that shook us out of our day-to-day reality, and made us think about…
Feeling like a simile
Last night’s catfish and collard greens isn’t sitting so well. Since when have I been an eater of collard greens? Sheesh. I don’t know. It strikes me as odd that I would willingly order something that people would only eat if rummaging for food in the forest. It’s practically chard. And yet, last night, it…
Tour de Photo
I don’t even remember where I was, or how I got there – but there I was, cyber-stalking a stranger. Sadly, this is how many of my stories begin. And I came across a random crowd picture of last Saturday’s half-marathon. Taken by a stranger, and uploaded in another stranger’s account. A sea of hundreds…
You can’t keep a good girl down
Did Sly stop with “Rocky IV”? Did Nadia Suleman call it quits after 6 kids? Did having brothers named Track and Trig prevent Bristol Palin from naming her son Tripp? No. And in the same way, bucking common sense and what might seem like an obvious result… did the demise of my temp-job in this…
Nicked floor (in the nick of time)
So there I was, cutting apart the Costco salmon fillet that I had just taken out of the oven. When I came back from Kansas City at Christmas, my mom took 6 individually vacuum-packed frozen fish and stashed them in various corners of my suitcase – and these precious little gems have been carefully rationed…
Julie made a great joke
Me: How can they tell how old an eagle is? Her: They measure its crow’s feet!
Welcome to my new little corner of the cyber-sky! For those of you who are wondering, “How did Annie get her own website?” I must be honest and say I HAVE NO IDEA. When it comes to technology, I operate on a need-to-know basis – I surround myself with people who are only going to…
All the good things
Every morning at work, I park the old Honda in a garage, and then walk down 3 flights of stairs, across a little driveway, between some dumpsters, and then let myself in the back door by the loading dock using my key card. It’s not glamorous – especially when someone consistently leaves his or her…