New song
For me, writing songs is like kissing boys. There might be some good luck for awhile, but then, for one reason or another, it just ends. There is always the hope of it happening again, and that when it does, it will be fantastic – but it might take years. Years. Anyway. I finally finished…
“Don’t you think it’s time?”
Last night, I was working it at the gym with my iPod on shuffle, when this song came on. Lazy Summer Love by annieparsons Honest to goodness, I had all but forgotten that I ever wrote it. This old demo made me remember what it felt like to write songs before anyone ever told me…
Walking, Work, Whoa Mama!
Remember when I boldly proclaimed that I was going to walk 1,000 miles between Memorial Day and Labor Day? Well, then I went to Nashville, where being outside in the summer is the equivalent of being in utero without an umbilical cord. Is that gross of me to say? I don’t know – do YOU…
I moved to Nashville because I am a songwriter. But truth be told, at the time that I moved, I could count the number of songs I had actually written on one hand. More “brooding” than “brilliant,” I was never one of those children who composed music at age 6. The decision to write was…
A song I haven’t heard yet
When this life, this world, this Whole Thing is all over, and we have the chance to look back on the story that was our life, I honestly believe that we won’t experience it as a narrative, but that we will hear it as a song – the most beautiful, sad, triumphant song ever written,…
Three little episodes
My friend Zach moved from Seattle to Nashville this week; it’s great to have him here. We hadn’t seen each other in almost 3 years until he arrived on my doorstep on Monday night. As I made dinner and we caught up, he told me that since the last time we saw each other, I’ve…
Behold, the return of the deadbeat blogger! I mean, seriously. It’s embarrassing. I have been like an unfit mother – one who leaves her kids in the car while she hits up the Safeway for PBR and tampons. I have abandoned this blog in the parking lot for far too many days – and in…
Music is never going to pay my bills – and I have no expectation that it should. So why is it important that I dedicate any time, energy, or effort to it? Because I believe that we simply must do what we love. But in the last 6 months, I’ve really stopped pursuing musical endeavors. …
Feeling like a simile
Last night’s catfish and collard greens isn’t sitting so well. Since when have I been an eater of collard greens? Sheesh. I don’t know. It strikes me as odd that I would willingly order something that people would only eat if rummaging for food in the forest. It’s practically chard. And yet, last night, it…
Good for the soul
There is only one thing that would be enticing enough to make me skip “Lost” and pay $36 to go on a date with myself, by myself. I mean, barring an NSYNC reunion tour. Obviously. Last night, I came home from work and changed my clothes. I reapplied makeup. I fluffed my hair, and wore…