

Perhaps it is futile to aspire toward perfection. Nevertheless…

In a perfect world:
* Coffee and red wine would not stain teeth.
* Gas would cost 10 cents/gallon.
* Jobs would last 10 hours/week, and we would always leave fulfilled.
* Bad haircuts would grow out in one day.
* The black Macbook would not show fingerprints.
* Checking accounts would always stay at a respectable balance.
* I would verbalize every compliment that struck me.
* Everyone would travel and experience the rest of the world.
* That fuzzy, happy, “in crush” feeling would be my permanent state of existence.
* There would be no line at the DOL.
* Everyone I love would live in the same place, and we would play Scrabble and go camping and laugh every night.
* I would always know the right words to say.
* Vegetables would come pre-chopped.
* There would be no such thing as embarrassment, or fear, or insecurity.
* We would get hugs like this every day.


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  1. MJ on August 17, 2007 at 12:15 PM

    what’s the DOL?

  2. *MeR* on August 17, 2007 at 1:42 PM

    That hug makes me miss my daddy. He hugs like that, too.

  3. My name is Annie. on August 17, 2007 at 2:40 PM

    DOL is the Department of Licensing. My license is 2 weeks expired. I refuse to wait in line, though. This decision is going to come back and bite me in the ass, I am confident.

  4. Sarah on August 18, 2007 at 2:40 PM

    I’m back. Come see!

  5. Dad on August 18, 2007 at 6:39 PM

    annie, have you ever tried Burnside Writers Collective? It’s Donald Miller’s writers’ group. I think you belong there.

    some thoughts to add to Utopia. . .

    Your dog lays down with his head in your lap and looks up at you with love in his eyes.

    Your nephew (3) bursts into the room and runs at you with arms outstretched.

    3000 feet of air at your feet, on both sides of the thin ridge you’re walking.

    An N.T.Wright book.

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