The end, and the beginning


Days wandered – 118
Blogs posted – 78
States visited – 24.
Pounds gained – 10
Flat tires – 1.

Speeding tickets? ZERO. (Take that, State Patrol.)

I wasn’t sure when the official endpoint would be, but I am determining that as of tonight, The Big Trip is coming to a close. Tomorrow, I will wake up and drive the 8 ½ hours to my new home of Nashville, Tennessee. I have been ready for this day for a long time. But I will never regret the decision to sell it all, leave it behind, throw caution to the wind, sack responsibility, and live as free as a wildflower for an entire third of 2007.

Throughout this fall, I’ve had many people say to me, “I wish I could do what you’re doing.” Let me make this clear: I am the least-likely person in the world to decide to bag it all and be seemingly insensible, opting to have no income and no purpose aside from just being. But I am so glad that I did. If an adventure like mine appeals to you, then please hear me when I say that it is of utmost urgency that you follow through with that desire. Please do it. You will not be sorry.

I’m not sorry. Poor, yes. Tired, yes. Ready for my own space, structure, control, and a kick-ass workout schedule, oh, Lord Almighty, WITH ALL MY ATROPHIED BEING. But not sorry.

Even though The Big Trip is over, my adventures are not. I hope that you’ll keep reading, keep following along, because it is my most sincere expectation that the best is yet to come.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have more things to pack than will fit in my Honda.



  1. ashley & jeremy parsons on January 3, 2008 at 10:42 PM

    I am so excited for you annie, and while I know you don’t exactly revel in the unknowns directly ahead, I have no doubt that Nashville will be lucky to have you and that you will find more than you expected. I’m glad to be along for the ride and OF COURSE I will keep reading!

  2. Sarah on January 4, 2008 at 8:30 AM

    Drive safe…don’t speed. See you tonight!

  3. Colleen on January 4, 2008 at 9:16 AM

    Welcome to Nashvegas, Annie!

  4. Greta on January 4, 2008 at 11:42 AM

    This is my new invented word to express supreme excitement:


    It was invented to express excitement about officially going to France this summer, and now it applies to you:

    I am so freaking charpingtonalaxy to hear what happens next!!

  5. Mazz on January 4, 2008 at 3:56 PM

    wow. all done. congrats. good work. way to go. bummed you are not returning to Seattle. We were just getting started. now steph and i have to be long distance friends with you now.

    have a great 2008!

    ps-thanks for your blog comments.

  6. Joel on January 6, 2008 at 12:48 PM

    annie. i, for one, wish i would do something like you did. Maybe I’ll tricycle across america. Maybe. You are an inspiration.

    Felicitations et bonne chance, Annie!

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