Oil issues?

Last week, I did something that I am not proud of. I went somewhere that I try to avoid at all costs – except, of course, LOW COST. Where else am I going to get my toiletries and gum (and wire, as it were) at a fraction of the price?

But if there ever comes a day when I bring my shoe-less, pajama-clad toddlers with me to Wal-Mart at 11pm, please stage an intervention.

And can I just say that the other Annie (the cooler Annie) is the video-blogging queen? She is. I laugh SO HARD with her around; I’m so glad that she is my friend. And notice my shout-out to Sarah Markley, who I have yet to meet, but who writes so beautifully about her daughters and her life in Southern California. She makes me excited to be a mom someday – is it awkward to say that sometimes after reading her posts, I feel my ovaries churn?

Yeah. Probably awkward.



  1. I guess that makes me the camel... on October 29, 2008 at 8:19 AM

    good grief, every time I see a video it makes me really miss you…

  2. Sarah Markley on October 29, 2008 at 8:45 AM

    You are HILARIOUS!! Yes, makes me want to meet you too.

    but my ovaries are done chiming or chuming…

  3. Lyla on October 29, 2008 at 11:38 AM

    I don’t know about churning ovaries, but I think mine die a little when there’s a screaming child in the vicinity.

    You and your friend are funny. How did you manage to make shopping at Wal-Mart look fun? Even going over to the Target gives me anxiety with all of the people pushing and shoving. Large, busy stores freak me out.

  4. Emily on October 29, 2008 at 1:56 PM

    I remember dying your hair black. Is that a real memory or did I dream it?

    Also, your green coat is an awful lot like my new green coat, only a shade longer. It is smashing on you, you lovely girl!

  5. Annie Parsons on October 29, 2008 at 2:42 PM

    Emily, you DID dye my hair black! Back when I was 20! You’re a good friend, too, because I kind of have issues touching other people’s hair – you’re a better girl than I. :)

    It was my first experience dying my hair, and unfortunately, I’ve had to dye it ever since. But that black hair was the inspiration for my Annie Queen of Doom stories!

  6. jjkissinger on October 29, 2008 at 3:16 PM

    I want to hang out with the two funny Annies! Maybe we could have a talk show?

    Thanks for making me laugh and helping me avoid researching ancient Rome.

  7. KP on October 30, 2008 at 12:55 PM

    1. i seriously can NOT believe the lack of people at walmart. in southern california, it’s like a war zone in every inch of available space.

    2. i totally did the “i want to be the last one on the bus” when i was about 6 or 7, and the bus driver, bless her heart, didn’t get mad and instead, sung songs with me on the way back to the school.

    3. the ONLY retail job i’ve had was working at JC penney… during christmas. it was a job that lasted exactly 3 weeks, and it was by far, the worst job i ever had. be thankful you don’t work retail, esp. during christmas.

    4. “did you just lick your fingers in wal-mart” i pretty much just died laughing. you don’t ever lick your fingers in wal mart :)

  8. Tad on October 30, 2008 at 7:10 PM

    I can say from much experience, that there’s nothing to ruin the lovely Christmas feeling and celebration of our saviors birth than working retail at Christmas time. The only redeeming aspect is that if you’re paid on commission, you can make a ton of money. And that is a lame motivation.

  9. Julianne on October 31, 2008 at 10:05 AM

    One time in college, my friends and I made a video in Wal-Mart for a psychology research project…it involved me following a few steps behind people and talking to myself about completely random things.
    When we were finished and heading to the exit, we were surrounded by security guards and wal-mart employees who said we were not allowed to use a video camera in the store, and they were going to confiscate the tape…luckily we sweet talked them out it. Good times.

  10. Sarah Kate on November 1, 2008 at 11:15 AM

    I, too, try to never lick my fingers; especially in large retails stores or really any public place.

    I will say that Wal-Mart can be fun although I do try to avoid it at all costs. Sometimes, however, you HAVE to go there, like when you’re moving and then sometimes they’re re-stocking at 11:30 at night and it’s very scary.
    Don’t go to Wal-Mart late at night.

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