I might always run a little late in the mornings. I might always love Whitney Houston key changes. I might always color-code my closet. I might always get annoyed when people open a new box of crackers / gallon of milk / bottle of mustard before they’ve finished the old one. I might always hate…
This is what happened in Pennsylvania
I kissed a baby cow while wearing high heels. We went grocery shopping at BB’s, an Amish paradise in which you find bargains like 50 cent jars of chutney, or 9 full-size Butterfingers for $1.50, or a slightly smashed box of Cheez-Its for 75 cents, or apples for 39 cents/pound. It was like God raining…
No sleep, shower, or toothbrush
I made it to Pennsylvania, and am currently in a true, authentic farmhouse in Amish country. I am so tired, I can barely type. The drive was very long but fairly uneventful, save me holding my breath for an entire mile of highway, and Paul and me adding whistle solos to various songs on the…
Dutch baby
It occurs to me that I haven’t mentioned what’s happening tonight, have I? Tonight, I am leaving on a road trip, traversing with PZC and the Handy Graham to their motherland – a distant, foreign place called PENNSYLVANIA. I have never been there. I’ve never really had any huge desire to go. But now that…
Man! I feel like a woman.
When I lived in Seattle, I was very, very independent. I lived alone. I paid my bills. I assembled my own Target furniture. When I dropped off my car for a repair in Ballard, I walked the 3 ½ miles to work rather than call for a ride. It wasn’t that people weren’t willing to…
Welcome to the JAM House
Do you have any idea how much I appreciate you, my dear readers? You’re a bunch of little sweeties. In the past couple of days, I have gotten so many amazing, caring, encouraging messages from so many of you – via blog comment, Facebook message, voicemail, email, text, or booty slap (okay, that’s just my…
A new season
I am sitting in my pajamas in our gigantic den, basking in the sunlight that is shining through the windows. I have coffee. My feet are in my old wool socks, and I can hear the whir of the washing machine in the basement. I have done the dishes, started the laundry, put the mail…
Allowing myself one day to wallow
After being sent home at 1:30 yesterday afternoon, I put on my sweats and made a cheesecake. Then I fell asleep around 5:30, not waking up until 9pm. I felt like hell and looked like death, all sweaty and splotchy-faced. Then I took 3 doses of nighttime cold medicine and slept from 11pm until 10am….
“Bolt the doors.”
I am blogging to say that I cannot blog today. I am too busy dead-bolting the office doors to keep the press away, abandoning my front-lines lobby perch, and hunkering down in the back at a desk with a spectacular view. Yes, seriously. It’s been very exciting – in an “I might vomit” kind of…
The Bad, the Good
Bad: It is Monday. Good: It is a holiday, and GRETA IS HERE! Bad: My car got towed on Friday night. Good: I didn’t really feel upset about it. Bad: Probably because it’s already been STOLEN three times. Good: We got it back. Bad: It cost a lot of money. Good: I had enough money…