Marijke Jane
Almost 3 years ago, through the wonders of the internet, I blog-met (it’s a thing, people) a girl named Marijke. “Muh-RIJ-key?” I wondered. No. “Muh-RY-kuh.” Like “Mariah” with a k. A fellow blogger, fellow songwriter, fellow dreamer, Marijke has been living in Anchorage, Alaska, for several years. She has had a steady job, but music…
Steady goes
There have been a lot of times in the past several years when I have needed courage. Between the ending of relationships, and a solo cross-country move, and feeling so alone I could barely breathe, and being relatively destitute, and getting roommates, and starting to share my music for the first time, and introducing myself…
Kristy girl
Sometimes, someone you’ve never met can give you the biggest gift. Kristy Behrs of Wreckless Photography has been a second soul to me. She lives far, far away in California, and although we’ve never met face to face, I feel that we have a bond – an understanding – a trippy connection that bridges the…
Yesterday, I threw away my scale. Just like that. Trashed. Into the dumpster. I am a compulsive weight-checker, always keeping tabs on my poundage, and consequently tempted to feel either good or bad, happy or sad, proud or ashamed, jubilant or angry. It’s amazing how a great day can be ruined by a number –…
Natty Gann again
When I was a little girl, there were a couple of movies that I watched over and over again. All of them were taped straight off TV – back when Sunday nights meant family movies on ABC, back when VCR’s had the pop-up compartment for the videotape, back when we lived in San Jose, CA….
A title that fits
In a grand twist of events, I found myself dining last night at the Eastland Café with my two roommates, one of their mothers, and two strangers. I had the duck. I love duck. The strangers quickly became friends. I fell in love with these women. I heard their stories – what brought them to…
Claiming my heritage
Today, I’m wearing all black. My high heels are caked with mud from my front yard. I feel significantly un-cute. I’m in a bad place financially – but this is no one’s fault but mine. I haven’t gotten enough sleep. I’ve made some really terrible decisions. I’ve slacked on my running schedule this week, and…
M is for Magic
(A word of caution: Prepare yourself not for art, or beauty, or wisdom, or humor, or insight… but simply for an explosion of my heart.) Remember this mysterious, ambiguous entry? I received an email this morning: Annie, Congratulations! You’ve passed our audition process… And on June 21, 2009, I’ll be fulfilling one of my biggest…
It is impossible to be courageous without first being afraid. It is impossible to be courageous without first deciding that you are willing to fail. It is impossible to be courageous without first accepting the possibility that your very best efforts might truly prove you to be inadequate and out of your league. – –…