“Do you find the tension between seeking contentment and desiring more, difficult? I do, certainly.” Those were the closing lines of an email I received last week from a woman who has lived more life than I – and just like that, she so concisely distilled my entire life’s dilemma. Perhaps you relate? Contentment in…
If you happen to be one of the people who has attempted communication with me recently and heard nothing in reply, I AM SO SORRY. I owe you a more personal apology at some point – but for now, I am just trying to dig myself out. Sometimes, all we can do just has to…
The in-between stage
You don’t even have to say it. I already know. You are desperate for an update on the growth of my hair. Ever since I cut off my hair over a year ago, I have been longing for it to grow out. I have patiently not so patiently endured the days, the weeks, the months…
Out of the slumpy stagnation
Some days, it’s easy to get stuck in the doldrums of life: wake up, brush teeth, go to work, email, lunch, email, home, run, shower, sleep. Rinse and repeat. That’s why last night it came as such a welcome surprise to be offered a ticket to the live show “Dancing With the Stars” – because…
R is for Rest
This weekend, I was overwhelmed with a wave of… I don’t know. Shame? Guilt? Regret? I was knocked off my feet a few days ago, and since then, it’s been a deluge of memories and hauntings and disappointments. I don’t know why I was created the way that I was – wired to both express…
Happy Happy :: Joy Joy
I struggle with discontentment on a regular basis. Oh mercy, I fight it at every turn. I am convinced – convinced – that if I could do or get juuuust one more thing, then I would be happy. Throughout the years, my “one more thing” has taken different forms. When I was little, I wanted…