To Chi or not to Chi?


I wore a dress to work today, and that always makes for a good day.

No, I’m not going to go all “the hills are alive” twirling or anything, but there is definitely something about wearing a dress that makes me feel a little more put together, a little more credible, a little more capable.


The dress cannot make up for the hair. I showered last night, and crashed into bed with a wet mop. Since I own a $12 flat iron from Bartell’s Drug Store, I have decided that I would rather not even use it than spend a long time trying, only to have it wig out (har har) like a sea anemone.

And so today, my coif is unruly – smashed on one side, wild on the other. I’m currently utilizing both a barrette AND a rubber band to wrangle it into submission – but now I just have a 1” ponytail, which is super attractive. The ponystub is so hot these days.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

I ordered a Chi today. God as my witness, it was on major discount. But still. I’ve turned into THAT GIRL who drops a significant percentage of her paycheck on a hair tool.


I hope it’s worth it. Ladies, do you affirm my decision?

Actually, I would only like to hear from those of you who are going to say “yes.”



  1. Sarah on April 8, 2008 at 3:36 PM

    Coming from a girl who has a ridiculously overly priced hair dryer: Yes, it is worth it!

  2. Colleen on April 8, 2008 at 3:36 PM

    Absolutely! I have a Chi and I LOVE it!!! People always say “why do you need a straightening iron”? My response, “Because you think I don’t need one!”

  3. Karen on April 8, 2008 at 3:46 PM

    you will not regret buying the chi. i thought my old one was cutting it, but i kept hearing about how great the chi was. i made an impulse buy and have used it every day since. the difference is amazing. not that you asked, but my best suggestion is to move through your hair slowly and tightly, trying to do each section only once, vs. what i used to do with my old one – rip it through each section 4-5 times quickly. the chi works best when you do each section once. the sucker gets HOT, and i think it could cause more damage than a cheaper one.

  4. MJ on April 8, 2008 at 3:46 PM

    I’ve heard they’re brilliant, but alas, I wouldn’t know. I think mine was 12 dollars as well…

  5. Bree on April 8, 2008 at 4:02 PM

    You made a very wise choice! The Chi is amazing! My little sis is a rockstar hair stylist and she first turned me on to the wonders of Chi-dom. Enjoy! You won’t regret it! And, seriously, on sale?!? Very nice!!!

  6. Shannon on April 8, 2008 at 4:08 PM

    I can completely sympathize with your hair today, as I am betting that my hair looks just the same, unruly locks pulled into a little one inch nubbin that sticks straight out :/

    I almost bought a chi right after I got my hair cut, but decided that spending a fortune when I currently had no job was unwise…so now that I DO have a job, I’m getting a chi-next paycheck! woohoo!
    Here’s to future great hair days!

  7. Greta on April 8, 2008 at 4:19 PM

    I have never heard of a Chi before this weekend. Future blog please confirming or denying its magical properties.

    Also, until this weekend, I thought that anemone was pronounced an-nen-o-mee. And every time I sing my song about sea anemones. Every time I sing it in front of lots of people. I sing “sea a-nen-o-mee.” No wonder they laugh!

  8. Sally on April 8, 2008 at 5:42 PM

    You will not regret, not once, not ever. You will use it and you will love it.

    My husband straightens my hair while we watch Gilmore Girls. My arms never cramp up. I recommend.

  9. Julianne on April 8, 2008 at 5:49 PM

    I’ve never heard of a chi…I’ve heard of chai, tai chi, chia pets…but not chi. Let me know how it works. Maybe I’ll invest in one.
    The nubbin pony tail…I think at the Claders’ house we used to call those “Mulan ponytails.”

  10. Christina on April 8, 2008 at 6:15 PM

    Honestly? I have a Conair flat iron that I got for $35 at Target and it does right by me. And my hair isn’t kidding around. I use it every day. Maybe I just don’t know how good the really, really fancy ones are? It’s better if I don’t know …

  11. Sarah on April 8, 2008 at 6:47 PM

    I don’t condone that purchase. My straightener was $15 from Wal-Mart and has lasted me years. A chi is not necessary. But you know, it is your decision and I will support you because that is what sisters do.

  12. Sarah Kate on April 8, 2008 at 10:07 PM

    I personally love my GVP (generic Value Products) Chi from Sally Beauty. As far as I can tell, it’s the same as my roommate’s Chi. I still paid $70. Oh the things we do…for good hair.

  13. ~lady j on April 8, 2008 at 11:01 PM

    worth it! i know it seems like a bit much at the time, but it’s an investment and it really is worth the money. especially for something you’ll potentially use every day.

    oh and i totally have a ponystub too. so hot right now. :)

  14. Kelli on April 8, 2008 at 11:09 PM

    I have a ‘do similar to yours. Recently, I too, had to submit to a “nice” flat iron. Even though I thought it way too expensive I still bought one. I must admit, it was a great purchase!! It has drastically cut down on the amount of time it takes me to get ready.

  15. hootenannie on April 9, 2008 at 7:17 AM

    Thanks for the feedback, women! I’m sure that I’ll be doing a follow-up post with my thoughts once I’ve received it.

    Many interesting things have been said. I only feel like addressing one:

    SALLY. Your HUSBAND straightens your hair while you watch “Gilmore Girls”? You are spoiled, and I am jealous!

  16. [not the] Best Blog Ever on April 9, 2008 at 7:48 AM

    Okay – one more comment? Hope you don’t mind… I’m sure you won’t because I have THE uber Chi testimonial:

    I bought a Chi probably going on 5 years ago now, and – Annie – I STILL USE IT EVEN TO THIS DAY. Seriously, I used it this morning. It has seen me through long hair and short, damp days and dry. Yes, it was a lot of money, but you will not regret it. Treat it right and it will treat you right!

  17. Sarah on April 9, 2008 at 12:16 PM

    it’s funny that you blogged about this, because I too have weird slept-on hair. It kind of looks like “the Rachel” today. I’ve been considering buying a Chi as well.
    I guess great receptionists think alike :)

  18. Anonymous on April 9, 2008 at 2:01 PM

    a chi is like no other brand. bask in your new purchase.

  19. erin castioni on April 9, 2008 at 2:10 PM

    i still can not be “that” girl, thus my need to shower every morning so i can utilize the round brush and $20 straitener.

    I wore a fun skirt myself today which i am getting all sorts of compliments on (it makes the $4.98 at target so worth it!). I, however, DID to a few twirls, and i DID reference the sound of music wilst twirling. i knew i liked you annie parsons. we are on the same brainlength today.

  20. Sally on April 9, 2008 at 2:40 PM

    Aaron is awesome. I am spoiled in this particular area. I’m not normally a proponent of jealousy, but in this case, I concur. He shares my love of straight hair and teen drama… what can I say? I got a keeper!

  21. Sarah on April 18, 2008 at 10:27 PM

    Did you know a chi comes in PINK? I had to buy a relatively pricey hair straightener, too – the hotter the better for my hair… or the more ions or far infrared or whatever… *rolls eyes* ;p.

    Anyway, comparitively speaking, you usually get what you pay for, so I’m sure you won’t regret it :).

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