

You guys, I am having the best week. More on that later. In the meantime, let’s talk about everyone’s favorite subject: my hair. It’s currently in the awkward in-between phase – not short, not long, just kind of a shoulder-length shag. It has a ton of volume and a lot of days, looks like a…

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Lately, I’ve been using this space for a lot of personal processing, and just realized that I’ve neglected to update you on some of my actual goings-on. Yes, I am just that pompous to believe that the world is desperate to know about the ins-and-outs of my everyday life – so without further ado… 1)…

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A few weeks ago, I made an ill-advised decision: I was going to get bangs. Never mind that my hair grows straight back, not forward, and naturally parts down the middle – very Alanis Morissette. I’ve spent years training it to part on the side, blow-drying the hell out of my cowlicks – but if…

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Friday fun facts

What do you do when it’s Friday, and you have no real brain space or time, but you still want to say things? You just say them.  All in a row. Like this… I got a haircut.  No more mermaid hair – although, correspondingly, no more dead head. If you have ever prayed, “Dear God,…

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Things you are surely dying to know

And a good Monday morning to you.  Yes, YOU.  Thanks for being here! How are you today? After Friday’s post of sunshine and daisies and love, I spent the weekend in the same blissful state.  I took long walks, had some good talks with friends, and bought a new pair of shoes that Karmen says…

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We’ve come a long way

September 2008: January 2010: My ponytail is making a spectacular comeback.  It’s almost a full-blown mane of glory. Also, please take a moment to note the difference in my work environments.  Thank you, Emma, for saving me from Sir Allen Stanford.

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Who wears short shorts?

We have a small crisis at the JAM house.  One of us (I’m not saying who) got some bug bites (I’m not saying where) that are now inflamed (I’m not saying how). (Okay, I am saying how.) Never put Nair over top of bug bites. I’ll let you do the math. Nair is an evil,…

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Tell me a story

Before I begin, let’s all just take a minute to acknowledge the huge thing that happened yesterday.  The thing that made the world feel small – like everyone, no matter what culture, tribe, or tongue, agreed was a big event.  An incident that shook us out of our day-to-day reality, and made us think about…

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I never thought I’d see the day, but sure enough. Like the Terminator, like Backstreet… Scrunchies are back.

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Now I know: any time I am ever feeling a lack of estrogen in my life, all I must do is post a blog about my hair – and voila, THE WOMEN APPEAR! Thank you for your feedback, ladies!  Emily, Kristy, and Erin, I’m sorry to report that I listened to the majority, played it…

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