The anti-onomatopoeia
Pulchritude. Is it just me, or does the sound of this word NOT sound like the meaning? I especially love that there are two pronounciations: \PUL-kruh-tood\ – OR – \PUL-kruh-tyood\ I prefer the second. Tyood… it’s just a little bit snootier. And only snooty people would use this word. In that case, I’m totally on…
Professionals in the South
Me: “Could you come back this afternoon?” Her: “I don’t know – I might could.”
The Last Lecture
“Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want things.” –Randy Pausch
Why there should be a camera following me at all times
Him: “I’m studying geology.” Me: “Geology rocks!” Him:
Spoken and heard
The past week or so has been spent in relative solitude. I have been alone in my apartment for hours and hours (and, um, days) at a time, allowing the silence to overwhelm and consume me. As an introvert, the more time I spend alone, the more time I want to spend alone… and this…
Why my future children have a fighting chance at Harvard
Praise the Lord. This gives “smart ass” a whole new meaning.
Of prime concern
In the days before Grandpa died, he was in-and-out of consciousness, and uncommunicative. There are many funeral details that never had the chance to be discussed – many of which we are sorting out today. But he was very clear about what he would like to be buried in: black pants, a flannel shirt, and…