The speck on a speck
I’ve heard it said that there are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on all the beaches of this planet. And while we obviously can’t count either (trust me, I’ve done some very official Internet Research), I think that the point is that the universe is startlingly, overwhelmingly, mind-bogglingly gigantic – which…
Trying for triceps
I have negative triceps. There’s, like, nothing there. If my arms were outerspace, there would be a black hole where my triceps are supposed to be. Haha, PHYSICS JOKE!!! Science is sooooo funny. I am 3 1/2 years older than my sister Becca, so when I was 15 and basically the same size I am…
On Sunday, while talking to my mom, one of my major insecurities fell out of my mouth. Without the slightest hesitation, it slipped off my tongue – and landed right there on the coffee table. “Where did you learn that?” she asked. “Why do you feel that way about yourself?” And for the past 36…
Good for the soul
There is only one thing that would be enticing enough to make me skip “Lost” and pay $36 to go on a date with myself, by myself. I mean, barring an NSYNC reunion tour. Obviously. Last night, I came home from work and changed my clothes. I reapplied makeup. I fluffed my hair, and wore…
Time is ticking away
My friend Mark recently forwarded me a link to a fascinating article from the New York Times. Hold it. Clarification. This article is more than fascinating – it is universe tilting, so insane that my brain feels like it’s been put into a blender and turned to “Frappe.” Read it first. And then continue reading…