Clean slate
You have no idea how symbolic this bumper is of my life right now. A fresh start? A clean slate? An empty void? A hella fine backside? Maybe just pure potential? Interpret as you will. Private Self is asserting herself these days. But I can tell you that in one way or another, it has…
Tomorrow is a new year, a fresh start, a clean slate. I like markers. I like new beginnings. I like boundaries that separate “this” from “that.” It gives me a sense of control, however misperceived. 2010 is a year of starting over, in almost every way that I possibly could – even in ways that…
I don’t always believe that Jesus loves me – even though the bible tells me so. Oh, I know that Jesus loves me – in a “whole world in his hands” kind of way. But do I believe that he loves ME? That he sees ME? That seems impossible. It’s this thorn in my side,…
Contrary to popular belief
I love to send cards in the mail. I am always on the lookout for witty, pithy, quotable cards – and when I find a good one, I buy it, regardless of whether I have someone to send it to or not. Sooner or later, a situation warranting the card is bound to arise. About…
Music is never going to pay my bills – and I have no expectation that it should. So why is it important that I dedicate any time, energy, or effort to it? Because I believe that we simply must do what we love. But in the last 6 months, I’ve really stopped pursuing musical endeavors. …
Recording a song can be like architecture – you lay a foundation, and then build layers on top of it, one by one. Yesterday, Josh and I made a scratch track, or a “shepherd,” as I like to call it – a single guitar track that will serve as the guide for the rest of…
Marching on
Hey, remember when I used to post every morning, Monday through Friday – and not at all on the weekends? Well, listen up, my little parakeets: those days are over. I don’t know what days are upon us. But the fact of the matter is that my life is different. I don’t know where it’s…
Welcome to the JAM House
Do you have any idea how much I appreciate you, my dear readers? You’re a bunch of little sweeties. In the past couple of days, I have gotten so many amazing, caring, encouraging messages from so many of you – via blog comment, Facebook message, voicemail, email, text, or booty slap (okay, that’s just my…
A new season
I am sitting in my pajamas in our gigantic den, basking in the sunlight that is shining through the windows. I have coffee. My feet are in my old wool socks, and I can hear the whir of the washing machine in the basement. I have done the dishes, started the laundry, put the mail…
R is for Rest
This weekend, I was overwhelmed with a wave of… I don’t know. Shame? Guilt? Regret? I was knocked off my feet a few days ago, and since then, it’s been a deluge of memories and hauntings and disappointments. I don’t know why I was created the way that I was – wired to both express…