L is for the Long Answer


“How are you doing, Annie?”

A simple question – it could be passed off as small talk if it hadn’t been so intentional, so perceptive. And immediately, a few of the tears that had been hanging in the corners of my eyes for weeks just… let go.

She knew – she had sensed it. And the fact that she was able to read between the lines, and dig a little deeper, and ask the real questions, caused me to drop my suit of armor. She didn’t settle for the stories (Twin old ladies! Tour buses! Type from home scams!), the humorous and perky front that I so often put up, because she knew that she had permission to ask for the truth.

As some silent tears spilled, so did reality: deep wounds, and true fears, and the loss of hope, and the abandonment of some important dreams. The quiet death – the death that happens behind a smile. She was sensitive and responsive, intuitive and caring. I talked for a long time, and she listened. At the end, I apologized: “I’m sorry, I just spilled a TON.”

“That’s okay,” she said. “I wanted the long answer.”

To have a friend who wants the long answer is sometimes the most meaningful, humbling thing in the world. Thank you, Greta, for being the very best friend I could ever hope for.

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By the way, L is also for LABOR: between stripping/painting/refinishing my bedroom furniture, multiple runs to the hardware store, spray-painting some bulletin boards, rearranging my bedroom, baking cookies, hanging out at a bonfire, hiking 7 miles, grocery shopping, discovering Leiper’s Fork, showering and doing my hair (trust me: NOT an every day occurrence), going to church, attending a wine & cheese party, and catching up with Julie, I would say that I accomplished much this weekend. I even ran a 5K with this Annie – but that is the short answer.

Here is the long answer.


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  1. Hemphills on October 13, 2008 at 9:02 AM

    You look pretty amazing after running 5K…I would be all red in the face and sweaty. You looked like it was no sweat for you!

  2. Greta on October 13, 2008 at 9:05 AM

    Love you Annie P. And loved the video– Other Annie is hilarious! :)

    So glad that I get to be a “long answer” friend. Especially when they’re yours!!

  3. jsprik on October 13, 2008 at 10:20 AM

    came over from annie blogs….you sound just as great as she is!! hope you dont mind if snoop around a little. great job on the 5K btw!! hugs and prayers…

  4. Tad on October 13, 2008 at 11:56 AM

    Annie Parsons, you are the only person I know who would have a neighbor WANT you to steal their internet.
    Little by little, Nashville’s getting wrapped around your finger.

    Here’s to free bier and especially, to Long-Answer Friends.

  5. Rebecca on October 13, 2008 at 4:09 PM

    That video is too dang funny/cute!!

    I love you! Long-answer friends are what keep us alive. xo

  6. Valerie on October 13, 2008 at 9:33 PM

    So…how was the beer?

  7. Annie Parsons on October 13, 2008 at 9:57 PM

    To be honest? I didn’t drink it. Girl’s gotta fit in a bridesmaid dress on November 8… laying off the alco is the only way to shrink myself.


  8. Laura on October 14, 2008 at 2:26 PM

    Annie, first I miss you. Second, I think your little pony tail is very, very cute!

  9. Sarah Kate on October 15, 2008 at 1:08 PM

    That’s EXACTLY what happened when I ran a 5k (your first ever) with Annie P. She ran, I panted, walked and just barely beat the kid who sprained his ankle halfway through.
    I wish I could have been there!

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