Something worthy of me
The recipe calls for a half cup of chopped red onion. I stand over the cutting board with the sharpest knife I could find in the drawer, carefully dicing layers of nested, tear-inducing rings. I do not like to cook. Years of living alone have made dinnertime mostly irrelevant, because to me, the intentional preparation…
Grace, grit, and the Whole30
In my most cliché move yet, I’m now on the Whole30. If you aren’t familiar, the Whole30 is a 30-day elimination diet that cuts out everything that makes me who I am: sugar, dairy, grains, and alcohol (also legumes and soy, although those mean less to me). It’s popular with girls on Instagram and your…
Consolation and New Year’s resolutions
Over the past month or so, I’ve woken up several times in the middle of the night with a sudden panic that I’ve left Foxy outside in the cold. I sit up straight and call her name, scared to death that she is [morbid alert] frozen to death out in the yard. And each time,…
Why I love “The Biggest Loser”
I mean, you guys. Have you been watching? I caught up last night, and had tears rolling down my face. This is the greatest show. I love that the contestant’s weight loss is something that they cannot fake – you watch their physical transformation over the period of 4 months, and no amount of special…
Can – Clinic in a, peeing in a
Mission of Hope recently acquired 55 acres of land from the government in Bercy, which is about 30 minutes north of their main campus. On this land, they are planning to build a school, a medical clinic, a church, an orphanage, and a conference center – a planned community. Just like Florida! In the meantime,…
Work it out
Last week, I met with Gunnar, the Viking trainer man. I had one free training session that was included with my gym membership – but wound up not signing up for the real deal, because I refuse to pay $50/hour to be tortured. At one point, I said, “Gunnar, you are KILLING me.” He replied,…
Better self
After my half-marathon back in April, I quit running cold turkey. I don’t like to run when it’s hot outside, and I focused more on hiking and mountain climbing this summer. Because I’ve been insanely active, I didn’t think that it would be that hard to get back into running this fall. Oh, my friends….
Horrid, rotten teeth
You have no idea what a numb-face I am right now. Three miserable cavities down. Many, many more to go. Oh yes. The initial number was seven, but they are spreading – spreading like tweets about “Inception.” This is some kind of mysterious, contagious decay that moves from tooth to tooth, and if I don’t…
Trying for triceps
I have negative triceps. There’s, like, nothing there. If my arms were outerspace, there would be a black hole where my triceps are supposed to be. Haha, PHYSICS JOKE!!! Science is sooooo funny. I am 3 1/2 years older than my sister Becca, so when I was 15 and basically the same size I am…
Saving grace
In the midst of this move (because a move doesn’t just happen, you know… it is a process that takes place over a period of time – however long it takes, really), I have had hours upon hours to myself. I think that I am predisposed to handling solitude a lot better than most –…