Home again
It’s finally time. Because as Flannery O’Connor once said, “Somewhere is better than anywhere.” Today, I bought a new house. After a year of being untethered, working with realtors in multiple cities, praying every day for a clear sign of direction as to where I should re-root my life, I came to the conclusion that…
Longing for home
It’s been four months since I left Minneapolis, four months since I sent my things to storage and walked out of my house for the last time. I have a hard time talking about losing my house — and yes, that is the language that makes most sense to me: losing my house. Because while…
On the move… again
This little dream house… I can’t believe it, but I’ll be handing the keys over to someone else in July. My two years in Minneapolis have been abundantly sweet, rich, and healing — and now it’s time to go. I will miss the amazing friends I’ve made, my perfect fence, and the cheese curds. I…
We can never go back
If you really want to torture yourself, keep your email address linked with the house you used to own in a city where real estate is on a rapid upward trajectory. Once a week or so, you’ll get an update that tells you how much the value of your former home has increased, i.e. how…
The opposite of mending fences
If you know me at all, you know my fence. Installing it was a huge deal in my life, and I talk about it to basically everyone I know. (I never promised I was cool.) But when I moved into the house, there was an old stretch of a privacy fence at the top of the…
My cattle panel fence
This is going to expose me for being the spoiled brat of a consumerist that I am, but here it goes anyway: I still have an iPhone 4 and it’s RUINING MY LIFE. *throws self on ground to flail* A rundown of my first world phone problems: It’s slow. I try to slide the bar…
The List
My entire office takes the last two weeks of August off. It’s such a brilliant idea, because when everyone is out of the office, no one needs to catch up when we all return. Everything just… pauses… and then it starts again. I knew that this break was coming, so I thought about what I…
The Fox Den
I’m a homeowner again – as in, fare thee well, all of my dollars. But for a most worthy cause. A few weeks ago, I traded the little sum I got from the sale of the Shotgun in Denver for a 1916 – farmhouse? Bungalow? Victorian? The official style is unclear, since different elements of…
The inevitable emotional emergency
Well, it finally happened. I freaked out and lost my mind. Back in January, I applied for a job that I was eventually offered in May. This means that for the past six months, I have lived with the possibility (and now plan) of leaving Colorado – and even after making the decision, it’s felt…
Shotgun for sale
As of tonight, my house is on the market. And given all I have accomplished in the last seven days, I feel like nothing less than a freaking superhero (I call dibs on the name Trixie Firecracker). In addition to holding down my full-time job (three more days!), I have moved 30 boxes, a bookshelf,…